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You're Not Getting Any Younger

Feb 19, 2021

On today's pick-me-up episode, three listeners ask questions about topics we can all relate to:

1.How do I stop being so jealous of everyone around me?

2. What do I do if I can't stand my job?

3. How do I kick boredom in my life and stop watching TV all the time?

Listen in as Jen Glantz gives advice and shares...

Feb 12, 2021

Sounds cheesy, right? But it's something a lot of us can use a refresher on. Loving yourself means showing up for yourself, trusting yourself, challenging yourself and listening to what you're feeling and needing.

I use the holiday of Valentine's day as a day of checking-in and taking inventory on how I'm feeling about...

Feb 5, 2021

A lot of love and relationship coaches help you find love but very few help you figure out what to do when a relationship ends and your heart feels broken. 

Today's guest, Amy Chan, is the author of Breakup Bootcamp - The Science of Rewiring Your Heart, and shares tips on how to handle a breakup, ways to find self-love,...

Feb 5, 2021

My good friend, Tracy Wilk, joins the show today to be interviewed about a topic I think she's a superhero at. Plus, Tracy shares with us what the #bakeitforward movement is, how it started last year at the beginning of the pandemic, and the details of her new cookbook, Bake it Forward: recipes to bake kindness and...