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You're Not Getting Any Younger

Aug 30, 2019

So what? Maybe you're not trying to be an influencer. But if you are trying to reach goals than you need to know your personal brand's value and worth. Perhaps you might even want to know how you can be more influential in your industry. That's our topic.

Brittany Hennessy is the best-selling author of “INFLUENCER:...

Aug 23, 2019

Host Jen Glantz shares an ask her anything episode, with questions fueled by you - loyal listeners. Here her share what it's like to live in a new city every month, start a business, and find balance in her work/life. 

 ps. come hang out here: 

Aug 16, 2019

Have you ever lied on social media? Have you ever believed someone else's lie or just assumed what they posted was their 100% truth. How do we know if someone is being authentic on social media or trying to scam us? That's our topic this week.
Hannah Orenstein is the senior dating editor at Elite Daily and the...

Aug 9, 2019

How quickly do you give up on yourself? How fast do you stop when really you still have the energy to keep pushing forward? Perhaps we don't even realize that we're not living our full potential. If not, it's time to make that change. Jen Glantz shares how she realized she was quitting too early and how she...

Aug 2, 2019

Lauren Breiding, founder of Detox Me Tuesday, shares what it mean to live clean, ditch toxic ingredients that you're bringing into you home, and shop for safer products. Did you know there's no federal regulations in our makeup or personal care products - or the products we bring in to clean our home? The US has only...