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You're Not Getting Any Younger

Oct 28, 2018

Chances are you're feeling lonely. Most Americans are either unsatisfied with their friendships or feel super alone in this world. It can be hard to give yourself the motivation to change that. That's where Jillian Richardson comes in.
Jillian is the founder of The Joy List, a weekly newsletter which features...

Oct 19, 2018

How are you feeling about yourself these days?
I always find that as the months countdown and the year begins to pack up its things and leave, I start to get mad at myself for all the things i didn’t accomplish and all of the things I wasted time on instead.
Today’s episode is all about that voice in your...

Oct 12, 2018

We hear about people having really awesome jobs and we think, "Wow, their life must be glamorous." That's instantly what I thought when I met Ali Levine and heard that she's a celebrity stylist. She must get to pick through endless amounts of fabulous clothing and then pick out the best outfits for some of the...

Oct 5, 2018

When you start something - anything - people will try to talk you out of it. When I started my business Bridesmaid for Hire, over 4 years ago, people came out of the woodwork to tell me that I was crazy. I remember running into someone I hadn’t seen in years and when I explained my business to them, they shot out a...